Component Maintenance Services
Total Technic is committed to providing our customers with long-term cost savings on the repair and overhaul of aircraft components. Our dedication to quality, value, and unmatched turnaround times make us the obvious choice for critical components solutions. We operate a technical, reliability, warranty, and inventory control service that provides support on a wide range of in-service engineering issues.
We offer urgent technical advice on components and systems in AOG situations and recommend improvements to component maintenance packages in conjunction with OEMs and their service representatives.
Our technical team has extensive Airbus and Boeing fleet experience with over 20 years of maintenance support. The company currently operates an area of 5000 square meters which comprises the repair shops for the following ratings.
Maintains, repairs and overhauls the airplane escape slides, life rafts and life vests in accordance with the manufacturer’s Component Maintenance Manuals, thanks to decent size of our shop, in terms of square meter, we are able to maintain four slides at the same time.
Life Vest
Performs hydrostatic testing, maintenance, repair and overhaul of compressed gas cylinders such as but not limited to ; Slide bottles , Oxygen Bottles , Fire Extinguishers ( Halon 1211 , 1301 ) in accordance with the manufacturer’s Component Maintenance Manuals and DOT requirements. Our shop is also able to deal with the Mask , Regulators and Stowage Box.
Slide Bottles
Oxygen Bottles
Fire Extinguishers
Mask and Regulators
Equipped to inspect, test, repair and overhaul of various types of wheels and brakes. TOTAL Technic shops solution for wheels, tires and brakes offers guaranteed maintenance costs, reduced inventory and minimized aircraft ground times. We acknowledge and adjust ourselves to the needs of our customers for accurate pricing and short turn-around times on aircraft wheels, tires and brakes, which require frequent maintenance and replacement services.
Nose Wheels
Main Wheels
Carbon Brake Units
Steel Brake Units
Provides maintenance, repair and overall of the aircraft galley components with the following capability
Coffee & Beverage Makers
Espresso Makers
Water Boilers & Heaters
Ovens & Steam Ovens
Capabilities cover components manufactured by B/E Aerospace/Inventum, Zodiac Aerospace/SELL/Rumbold/ Driessen, Iacobucci HF Aerospace, tec.
Provides maintenance, repair and overall of the aircraft avionics components with the following capability and in accordance with the component maintenance
VOR / ILS Receiver
Marker Beacon
HF Transceiver
HF Antenna Coupler
Control Panels.
Emergency Locator Transmitter
Battery Power Supplies
Thermal Switch
Temperature Sensor
Headphone / Headset
Battery Charger
Smoke Detector
Deep cycle, top charge, cleaning, re-blocking, regular service, overhaul, test and recertification of aircraft batteries.
Total Technic supports maintenance of many types of main and emergency power supplies.
Test , repair and overhaul of all types of Airbus and Boeing aircrafts’ IDG, CSD and Generators except A380 and B787
Sustains its controls with four methods (PT, MT, ET, UT) on aircraft and on components with experienced Level II and Level III NDT engineers. In addition to our NDT services, we can help and provide a technical support to our customers in the following cases;
Preparation of procedures based on International, National or in-house Codes, Standards and specifications to meet customer requirements
Preparation of Test report formats and NDE technique sheets
Procedures for NDT methods such as Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), Liquid Penetrant Testing(PT),